
Today at 4:21 a.m. marked the transition from Summer to Fall called the Autumn Equinox. Today the night is equal in time to the day. It is a festival of balance.

Photo by Margy Dowzer

Photo by Margy Dowzer

I feel a bit out of balance, staying up too late, waking with a headache, feeling like I have too much to do, and a bit rattled by all of it. But I took a walk in the beautiful cold crisp morning, and felt the warm sun on my face. I took time to journal, and listen to what the Mystery within might offer to me.

Here is what I heard from my old old grandmother: “You can always choose to step into balance at any moment. Do so now, on this day of balance between light and dark.”

And then I felt a sense of joy and peace in my heart. May you also find the way to step into balance today!

2 thoughts on “Balance

  1. I paddled across a quiet lake in my kayak tonight and watched a great blue heron, perched on a dock post, preening its feathers– one leg carefully tucked beneath its body. The sun set in a peach glow, a three-quarter moon brightened in the indigo sky, five geese flew by. And the heron stood motionless, perfectly balanced.

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